- Title: Canada
- Author: João Sobral
- Publisher: O Panda Gordo
- Dimensions: A5
- Number of Pages: 20 pages
- Edition: 30 copies numbered
- Publishing Date: 2013(April)
- Place: Porto, Portugal
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: digital print, recycled paper, 140g. Cover with hand writing in black pencil. Hand made.
- Synopsis: CANADA is the title of this fanzine which portrays the trip I made during the summer of 2011 with my family to visit my aunt and my cousins who live in Toronto. (Text provided by João Sobral)
- Author's Website:http://www.flickr.com/pipabaquigrafo
- Publisher's Website:http://www.opandagordo.blogspot.com
- Bibliography and Links:
entrevista em que o autor fala do projecto O Panda Gordo e desta publicação em particular: