
Colecção Microart

  • Title: Colecção Microart
  • Author: AA.VV.
  • Collaborations: Ana Anacleto, Ana Gonçalves, Ana Marin, Ana Sequeira, Ana Ventura, António Caramelo, Bruno Borges, Bruno Pereira, Carla Rebelo, Carlos Farinha, Catarina Campino, Catarina Fernandes, Cátia Serrão, Edite Lourenço, Fernanda Baptista, Gonçalo Varanda, Henrique Reis, Inês Marques, Inês Nunes, João Canhenha, João Vilhena, José Fragateiro, Leonor Antunes, Luísa Lente, Margarida Chambel, Mª Joana Fernandes, Mª João Worm, Marta Wengorovius, Michael Gomes, Nuno Neves, Nuno Pedrosa, Paulo Figueiredo, Pedro Filipe, Ricardo Valentim, Rita Sobral de Campos, Rogério Taveira, Rui Horta Pereira, Rute R. Dias, Sandra Casaca, Sandra Oliveira, Susana Guardado, Susana Vilela, Vanda Vilela, Vasco Barata and Vasco Ferreira. Curated by Vanda Vilela and Sandra Casaca. Production by Traços na Paisagem. Design José Séneca.
  • Publisher: Traços na Paisagem
  • Dimensions: box: 6X9 cm, height 2,2cm ; contents mixed media.
  • Number of Pages: do not apply
  • Edition: 100 boxes by each participating artist.
  • Publishing Date: 2000
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Box printed in offset, two colours (red and grey). The contents of the boxes are varied mixed media as for example: paper cuts, drawings or texts on paper, photos, stamps, lenses and other small objects. All the boxes are numbered and signed by the author.
  • Synopsis: Microart was produced in 2000 and curated by Vanda Vilela and Sandra Casaca. The project consisted in the sale of small art objects (smaller than the box), available in automatic vending machines installed in several libraries in Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Castelo de Vide and Hannover, in the Portuguese Pavilion at EXPO 2000. 45 artists worked about the relation between the book and the act of reading, the main theme of the project. All the boxes were sold with the same price of 500 escudos (today, 2,50€, 2£, 3USD) and it was not possible to choose one specific author or work. Microart was supported by the Ministry of Culture, IAC – Contemporary Art Institute and The Portuguese Institute for Books and Libraries. Microart is a project inspired by Hayvend Laboratories :
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    Artigos de imprensa:  

    CAMPINO, Catarina – Microart – arte à medida do seu bolso. In Arte Ibérica nº34 (ano4), Abril 2000. (Página 50)

    CUNHA, Ana – com a arte no bolso. In, Semanário Económico, Julho de 2000.

    PRATA, José – Arte Surpresa!, Revista City, Maio 2000.

    SOARES DE OLIVEIRA, Luísa – Arte em máquinas automáticas. In, Público, dia 20 de Abril 2000.

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