
Controlo de qualidade

  • Title: Controlo de qualidade
  • Author: Ricardo Tiago Moura
  • Publisher: Ricardo Tiago Moura
  • Dimensions: 17X23 cm
  • Number of Pages: 124 numbered pages64 folded sheets (total)
  • Edition: 60 signed and numbered copies
  • Publishing Date: 2017(January)
  • Place: Lisbon
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: DL 419658-16 ; -------
  • Media: cardboard colored box (pink, blue, green or orange) with black elastic bands. Stamp on the cover and title page. Inside: 64 folded printed sheets, 90 grs paper, unbound.
  • Synopsis: “(…) The shape of Controlo de qualidade captures our attention and leads to rethinking some of the more simple gestures and practices of any reader. This volume (cover that closes a set of sheets bound by elastic bands) makes us reflect upon the act of reading not only as an intelectual ability but also as a physical activity centered in our body. Sacrificing the most pragmatic option of a fixed/glued page, Controlo de qualidade turns radical the idea of a book itself, any book. It brings absolute freedom to the experience of the volume: reading it ran-domly, leaving pages aside (in this case on the table, on the floor…), mixing them on pur-pose or by mistake.” Text by Elisabete Marques The quality of something is always double, at least. And the quality of a day is of consecu-tiveness, many times repeating. My days, between 2014 and 2015, brought me a double will: a will of saying: a will of silence. Days of being alone and keep my tasks predictable. Days of losing place and starting to love planes: the sound of engines: the name. Consecutive days as the days of all of us who start (everyday) activities: tasks: reading books: meeting people: speeches. And what if a speech, a text, could propose a truth and a form that are similar to our days? That was the question I did before writing: the same question and attempt in every page of Controlo de qualidade. Each page could only be double: dialogue. Text by Ricardo Tiago Moura.
  • Publisher's Website:
  • Notes and Collections: (Português) nota:página 123 a partir de colagem do autor previamente publicada na Revista eLyra.
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