- Title: J.M.W. Turner On Dole
- Author: André Lemos
- Publisher: Re:Surgo!
- Dimensions: 15 X11 cm 5.9x4.3 in
- Number of Pages: 14 pages (not numbered)
- Edition: 125 numbered copies
- Publishing Date: 2013
- Place: Berlin, Germany
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: Entirely printed in silkscreen, in two colors, magenta and blue. Stapled.
- Synopsis: A small book with André Lemos’s punk-surrealist drawings, by former Bongoût editors Anna Hellsgård’s and Christian Gfeller’s new publisher. The construction of this book follows Hellsgård & Gfeller method at Bongoût: authors send them their black and white drawings in a digital support, and the publishers/printers make the actual graphic object, choosing colors, size and the sequence of images.
- Author's Website:http://opuntia-syndrome.blogspot.pt/
- Publisher's Website:http://www.resurgo-berlin.com/
J.M.W. Turner On Dole