- Title: Marta Minujin, Lourdes Castro, Alejandro Otero
- Author: AA.VV.
- Collaborations: Text by José Augusto França and Robert Filliou.
- Publisher: Marta Minujin,
Lourdes Castro,
Alejandro Otero - Dimensions: leporello open 65X25,5cm, closed 16,5X25,5cm ; loose-leaf sheet A4 folded as A5.
- Number of Pages: leporello folded in four pages
- Edition: n.a.
- Publishing Date: 1963 (May)
- Place: Paris, France
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: Leporello printed in silkscreen on white paper; the text is printed in one colour (brown); image printed in cream colour. Loose-leaf sheet printed in silkscreen on brown paper, image printed in silver and text printed in brown.
- Synopsis: An edition manually produced, it documents and publicises a group show at Rue Delambre, in Paris, in 1963. A note in the last page explains that Marta Minujin will destroy her works during the exhibitions’ last day. The silkscreened photos were printed after photos by Shunk and Kender. Texts published in French.
- Notes and Collections: The copy accessed and photographed belongs to Pierre Restany’s collection, preserved by Archives de la Critique d’Art, Rennes, France. www.archivesdelacritiquedart.org
Marta Minujin, Lourdes Castro, Alejandro Otero