- Title: Ornamento com pontos focais
- Author: Mark Manders
- Collaborations: Coproduced by Culturgest (Caixa Geral de Depósitos). Translation from Flemish to Portuguese by Fernando Venâncio. Design by Roger Willems.
- Publisher: ROMA Publications
- Dimensions: 23 x 31 cm
- Number of Pages: 16 pages
- Edition: n.a.
- Publishing Date: 2006
- Place: Lisbon / Amsterdam
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: Offset, one colour (black), pages folded.
- Synopsis: The first edition of Ornament met brandpunten (original title in Flemish) was in 2000. This is the volume #87 released by Roma Publications. The Portuguese version was published in the context of the exhibition ROMA Publications, at Culturgest in Lisbon, from May to August 2006.
- Author's Website:http://www.markmanders.org/books/
- Publisher's Website:http://www.romapublications.org
Ornamento com pontos focais