
P-Town (Boavista). Fanzine #2.

  • Title: P-Town (Boavista). Fanzine #2.
  • Author: João Pedro Vale
    Nuno Alexandre Ferreira
  • Collaborations: Collaborations by Sérgio Rebelo, Sylvia Gruber and Cristina Hora. Text by Miguel Amado. P-Town (Boavista) was published with the support of Lisbon’ City Hall.
  • Publisher: João Pedro Vale
    Nuno Alexandre Ferreira
  • Dimensions: 21,4 x 28,1 cm
  • Number of Pages: 60 pages
  • Edition: 200 copies ; open edition, the file is available at
  • Publishing Date: 2011(November)
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Printed B/W
  • Synopsis: P-Town entitles a series of works conceived during an artist residency at N.Y.C. and Provincetown (Massachusetts, EUA) between 2010 and 2011. This fanzine was produced for the exhibition with the same title, held at Boavista Gallery in Lisbon (8 November 2011 to 8 January 1012) The pages resemble a diary or field notebook. It includes several photos (taken by the artists or appropriated by them), photo-collages and drawings. This visual notebook portraits Provincetown and documents several events experienced by the artists during their stay. This publication is a subjective portrait of all the different communities that co-exist in that town, as the Portuguese immigrant community, the artists’ community and the LGBTQ community. P-Town (Boavista) includes copies of the newspaper articles published in the national press about the attempt of censorship by people and institutions, concerning the first public presentation of the project. (Translation of the text provided by João Pedro Vale to Tipo.PT)
  • Author's Website:
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