- Title: P-Town (Brooklyn). Fanzine #1.
- Author: João Pedro Vale
Nuno Alexandre Ferreira - Collaborations: Collaborations by Sérgio Rebelo, Sylvia Gruber e Cristina Hora. Text by Miguel Amado. Curateurs Miguel Amado and Marco Antonini
- Publisher: João Pedro Vale
Nuno Alexandre Ferreira - Dimensions: 21,4 x 28,1 cm
- Number of Pages: 92 pages
- Edition: 20 copies ; open edition, file available at http://www.joaopedrovale.com/imagens/2011/P-TOWN_fanzine_1br.pdf
- Publishing Date: 2011(July)
- Place: Brooklyn, N.Y., USA.
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: Printed B/W
- Synopsis: P-Town entitles a series of works conceived during an artist residency at N.Y.C. and Provincetown (Massachusetts, EUA) between 2010 and 2011. P-Town (Brooklyn) was produced for the exhibition “We Are”, curated by Marco Antonini at Nurture Art, Brooklyn (N.Y.) during July 2011. The pages resemble a diary or field notebook. It includes several photos (taken by the artists or appropriated by them), photo-collages and drawings. This visual notebook portraits Provincetown and documents several events experienced by the artists during their stay. This publication is a subjective portrait of all the different communities that co-exist in that town, as the Portuguese immigrant community, the artists’ community and the LGBTQ community. (Translation of the text provided by João Pedro Vale to Tipo.PT)
- Author's Website:http://www.joaopedrovale.com/
- Bibliography and Links:
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P-Town (Brooklyn). Fanzine #1.