
P-Town (Caparica). Fanzine #3.

  • Title: P-Town (Caparica). Fanzine #3.
  • Author: João Pedro Vale
    Nuno Alexandre Ferreira
  • Collaborations: Collaborations by Miguel Flor and Sonja Câmara. Interview by Miguel Amado. A special edition of 100 T-Shirts produced in collaboration with the fashion designer Miguel Flor. P-Town (Caparica) was published with the support of Lisbon’ City Hall.
  • Publisher: João Pedro Vale
    Nuno Alexandre Ferreira
  • Dimensions: 21,4 x 28,1 cm
  • Number of Pages: 60 pages
  • Edition: 200 copies, 100 fanzines were sold with the t-shirt produced in collaboration with Miguel Flor.
  • Publishing Date: 2012(October)
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Printed B/W. Silkscreen in cotton T-shirt.
  • Synopsis: P-Town entitles a series of works conceived during an artist residency at N.Y.C. and Provincetown (Massachusetts, EUA) between 2010 and 2011. En P-Town#3 (Caparica), les auteurs développent sur Costa da Caparica le même exercice de recueille fait précédemment à Provincetown (EUA). The pages resemble a diary or field notebook. It includes several photos (taken by the artists or appropriated by them), photo-collages and drawings. P-Town (Caparica) portraits Costa da Caparica, the relation the authors have with the place and documents several events experienced by the artists during their stay. This publication is a subjective portrait of all the different communities that co-exist in that town, as the fisherman’s community, the tourists and the LGBTQ community. P-Town (Caparica) includes an interview held by Miguel Amado, the curator of the projects’ first public presentation. The designer It also includes a t-shirt produced in collaboration with the designer Miguel Flor. (Translation of the text provided by João Pedro Vale to Tipo.PT)
  • Author's Website:
  • Notes and Collections: (Français) Collection Fondation EDP, Lisbonne.
  • Bibliography and Links:






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