- Title: Pandemos
- Author: Manuel João Vieira
Pedro Portugal
Pedro Proença - Publisher: Documenta
Carmona e Costa Foundation - Dimensions: 26,5x20,5 cm
- Number of Pages: 204 pages
- Edition: n.a.
- Publishing Date: 2013(October)
- Place: Lisbon, Portugal
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: 366118/13; 978-989-8618-52-8
- Media: printed in off-set, colour.
- Synopsis: This book is the catalogue of the exhibition PANDEMOS, by Manuel João Vieira, Pedro Portugal and Pedro Proença, that took place at Carmona e Costa Foundation between the 26th October and the 28th December 2013. The catalogue was accompanied by the following books, each with a unique run of 30 copies: Alguns Desenhos Ilustrados, Manuel João Vieira; Que É Arte É and O Oxímoro, Pedro Portugal; Vida Longa Arte Brava, Byars-Lapa and Metamanifestos, Pedro Proença. Pandemos is launched as a magazine but it is less and more than a catalogue. It is less because it has only a part of the exhibited works: some drawings by Manuel João Vieira, and the argument and frames from the film "Pandemos". It is more than a catalogue because it brings together a set of productions that don’t integrate the exhibition. Texts by the authors on the concept Pandemos are presented, such as Explicadismo (Explainism) or Pandemic Poems. And individual works are presented: a synopsis of Pedro Portugal’s movie "Star Port Expanded Time Vintage" on Port wine, and the Dossier Orgasm Carlos, on one of Manuel João Vieira’s iconic characters.
- Publisher's Website:http://blogue-documenta.blogspot.pt/
- Notes and Collections: CFC collection, Lisbon.