Periodicals & Collections

Conversas I –X (First Publication)

  • Title: Conversas I –X (First Publication)
  • Author: AA.VV.
  • Collaborations: Graphic design: Isabel Lucena Texts by: Alex Klobouk, Mafalda Fernandes, Rui Silveira, Almer Dumont, Mariana Veloso, Tiago Almeida, Miguel Mendes, Liliana Escalhão, Tiago R. Andrade, Paulo Sellmayer, Rita Cortes, Sebastião Almeida, Elisa Ochôa, Joana Durães, Tiago Andrade, Lourenço Egreja, Catarina Laranjeiro e Catarina Vasconcelos, João Catarino, Carolina Celas, Niko Roberts, Loïc Pedras, Guillaume Vieira, Isabel Lucena, João Valente, Constança Saraiva, Ricardo Meneses, Lília de Carvalho and Jorge Veloso Translation: Lourenço Egreja Portuguese and English copy-editing: Constança Saraiva and Mafalda Fernandes Photographs: Constança Saraiva, Mafalda Fernandes and Maria Negrão
  • Publisher: Constança Saraiva
    Mafalda Fernandes
  • Dimensions: 14,5 x 19,5 cm
  • Number of Pages: 94 pages + softcover
  • Edition: 50 copies
  • Publishing Date: 2012(May)
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Cover: riso printing single color - black Text Block: B/W printing, housed and stapled Book jacket (B/W digital printing)
  • Synopsis: This publication was made on the context of Conversas: a series of very informal meetings so we can get to know and discuss projects and interests. They take place every Wednesday in two studios in Lisbon. Conversas is a project by Constança Saraiva and Mafalda Fernandes. “To design this publication Conversas I-X editors Mafalda Fernandes and Constança Saraiva and graphic designer Isabel Lucena planned on spending just a week and a half. However, like a conversation of 'just half an hour' that extends itself to endless hours in the night, the process of content editing and designing took more than 3 weeks. ‘Palavra puxa palavra’ is a portuguese expression that means something like ‘a word after another’, this was the popular saying that inspired the design for the publication, but its maybe more accurate to say ‘image after image’: throughout the publication images of the regular meetings follow side by side in a line from top to bottom, creating a wave of pictures from large to small and from dark to light. It's a clearly low-budget publication but planned and designed with enthusiasm and care from the team. “ Text by Isabel Lucena. (Text originaly translated by Miguel Rodrigues and provided the editors to Tipo.PT)
  • Publisher's Website:
  • Bibliography and Links:

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