Periodicals & Collections

Conversas XI – XX (Second Publication)

  • Title: Conversas XI – XX (Second Publication)
  • Author: AA.VV.
  • Collaborations: Graphic Design by Joana Durães in collaboration with Mariana Veloso. ?Texts by João Lopes Aguiar, Frederico Rocha, Maria Negrão, Hélène Veiga Gomes, Jens Paulus , Filipa Cordeiro, Ana Magalhães, Mariana Castelo Branco, Joana Casaca Lemos, Maria Pessoa, Fátima Lopes, Filipa Matos, Miguel Lopes, João Rebelo Morais, Tiago Sá da Costa, Hugo Dunkel, Inês de Carvalho, Teresa Nunes, Álvaro Brito, Paulo Velho, Lourenço R. Andrade, Guilherme Prista, Rita Frazão, Miguel Rodrigues, João Dias, Nuno Cacilhas, Catarina da Ponte, Ricardo Conceição, Carlos Godinho, José Bártolo and Teresa Mira. English translation by Lourenço Egreja. Portuguese and English copy-editing by Constança Saraiva, Gonçalo Barata e Mafalda Fernandes. Photographies by Constança Saraiva, Mafalda Fernandes, Maria Negrão, Miguel Lopes e Ricardo Pereira.
  • Publisher: Constança SaraivaMafalda Fernandes
  • Dimensions: 14,5X19,5 cm
  • Number of Pages: 92 pages + cover/poster
  • Edition: 75 copies ; open edition, the file can be downloaded at
  • Publishing Date: 2012(September)
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Cover/poster: digital print (front and back), color. Booklet: digital print, color, sewed binding, painted spine.
  • Synopsis: This publication was made on the context of Conversas: a series of very informal meetings so we can get to know and discuss projects and interests. They take place every Wednesday in two studios in Lisbon. Conversas is a project by Constança Saraiva and Mafalda Fernandes. “From edition XI to XX, we talked and gathered a set of key ideas that could synthesize a bit the talks we presented and enable an open dialogue with the readers. For this purpose, we designed a publication/archive, built by a group of people who, even not knowing each other, were able to dialogue: Mr Vítor, from the VMMG print studio, donated the A3 sheets he had for the cover of the presentation; Mr Ilídio, bookbinder, helped in choosing the paper and the final settings, sewing and coloring each publication; Mafalda gave us the threads, Epson lent us a printer so we could test the prints; and Mr João’s team, from the local municipality of Sé, gave all the support we needed to print all publications. (Thanks to all of you for helping us design and bring to paper the second edition of Conversas.)” Text by Joana Durães (Text originally translated by Miguel Rodrigues and provided by the editors to Tipo.PT)
  • Publisher's Website:
  • Bibliography and Links:

    Uma vez que a versão impressa desta publicação está esgotada, esta versão online permite que todos tenham acesso  ao seu conteúdo:

    Artigo sobre a Segunda Publicação – Conversas XI-XX no Colher:

    Artigo sobre a Segunda Publicação – Conversas XI-XX no We Celebrate

    Artigo sobre a Segunda Publicação – Conversas XI-XX no Make it Public

    Artigo sobre a Segunda Publicação – Conversas XI-XX no Portugal Creates

    Artigo sobre a Segunda Publicação – Conversas XI-XX no Incredible Types 

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