Periodicals & Collections

Conversas XXXI – XL(Fourth Publication)

  • Title: Conversas XXXI – XL(Fourth Publication)
  • Author: AA.VV.
  • Collaborations: Graphic Design by Eva Gonçalves. Texts by A Estante, Andresa Salgueiro, António Araújo, Artur Santos & Sara Ruas, Bruno Garrudo, Carlos Alves, Catarina Laranjeiro, Constança Saraiva, Cristina Vaz, Eva Gonçalves, Fernando Sousa, Filipa Nunes, Filipa Valladares, Francisco Lufinha, Gonçalo Martins, Jaime Carvalho, Joana Manaças, Joana Pielsticker, Joana Reiais Pinto, João Meirinhos, Jónatas Pires, Lara Morais, Leandro Fans & Rita Bragança, Lucas Almeida, Luísa Alpalhão, Luís Nascimento, Luís Rocha, Mafalda Fernandes, Margarida Rêgo, Miguel Rodrigues, Nicholas Carvalho, Nuno Pereira, Panx Solajes, Pedro dos Reis, Rita Frazão, Rodrigo Crespo, Senhora do Lago, Sérgio Marques, Sílvio Teixeira, Susana Lourenço, Suzana Branco, Tânia Cardoso and Tiago Almeida. Portuguese and english copy-editing by Constança Saraiva e Mafalda Fernandes. Translation by Miguel Rodrigues. Photography by Constança Saraiva, Mafalda Fernandes, Mariana Veloso, Miguel Lopes, Miguel Rodrigues e Ricardo Pereira. Drawings by António Araújo.
  • Publisher: Constança Saraiva
    Mafalda Fernandes
  • Dimensions: 14,5X19,5cm
  • Number of Pages: 109 pages + soft cover + poster A3
  • Edition: 100 numbered copies
  • Publishing Date: 2013(April)
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Cover: printed in Riso, one color (green) Booklet: printed digital, B/W, pages stapled Poster printed in riso, two colors (blue and green)
  • Synopsis: This publication was made on the context of Conversas: a series of very informal meetings so we can get to know and discuss projects and interests. They take place every Wednesday in two studios in Lisbon. Conversas is a project by Constança Saraiva and Mafalda Fernandes. “By the end of each series of ten Conversas, a small publication, working as an archive, an overview, is edited and published, in order to preserve the memory of what those Conversas and exchanges were. In collaboration with Mafalda and Constança, I designed the fourth issue of this publication. The briefing was very open, reflecting the very nature of the project, which, as stated by the organizers, belongs to all of those who participate. The only constraints are purely economical, which turned the design process of this issue into a pleasurable challenge. Since we were offered colored paper leftovers by one of the sponsors — which it seemed logical to repurpose and preventing it from being waste — we had to find a way to work with the different mix of colors while still creating a sense of unity. We decided to print a limited set of copies in each color, ending up with four different versions of the same publication, reminding us that the collective experience of Conversas is also personal and individual and therefore different to everyone. The editors also wanted to include the multiple events and side projects that they have been developing within the scope of Conversas. To accommodate those, we created a new section called 'Conversas Paralelas' and designed a double-sided publication with two covers and two different directions of reading.” Text by Eva Gonçalves. (Text originally translated by Miguel Rodrigues and sent by the editors to Tipo.PT)
  • Publisher's Website:
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