Periodicals & Collections

Jornal da Oficina do Cego #1

  • Title: Jornal da Oficina do Cego #1
  • Author: AA.VV.
    (Luís Henriques)
  • Collaborations: Luís Henriques was the editor of the first newspaper, in the name of Oficina do Cego. Drawings and illustrations: Jorge dos Reis, José Feitor, Diniz Conefrey, Daniel Lopes, André Lemos, Isabel Baraona, Ana Menezes, Daniela Gomes, Bárbara Assis Pacheco, Bruno Borges, João Chambel, Pedro Cabral Santo et Maria João Worm. Articles and texts: Manuel de Freitas, Pedro V. Moura, Catarina Figueiredo Cardoso, Isabel Baraona, Eduardo Brito, Mariana Pinto dos Santos, Pedro Serpa et Sara Figueiredo Costa.
  • Publisher: Oficina do Cego
  • Dimensions: 45X31 cm 17,72X12,2 in
  • Number of Pages: 8 pages
  • Edition: 1000 copies. 150 of the 1000 printed copies were silk-screen printed with a drawing by Pedro Cabral Santo, with the help of Mike Goes West.
  • Publishing Date: 2010
  • Place: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
  • Media: Offset, two colours (black and green) stapled; 150 issues printed with a drawing by Pedro Cabral Santo, an intervention in silk-screen on page 5. All 1000 issues were stamped in different colours with Oficina do Cego’ stamp.
  • Synopsis: This first issue of Oficina do Cego’ newspaper was entirely conceived by Luís Henriques and it had as a goal to promote the non-profit organisation founded a few months earlier. Jornal da Oficina do Cego #1 contains a poem by Manuel de Freitas ( “Valada do Ribatejo”, 2009), Pedro V. Moura wrote a text on the influence of Doré on the work of Bordalo, Catarina Figueiredo Cardoso describes the book arts fairs in Paris, Isabel Baraona introduces the work of Manfred Naescher as well the publishers L’Èchoppe and Tandem and, Eduardo Brito wrote a text on Maurice Planquet. The drawings and illustrations here inspired by the Portuguese edition (1801) of Abraham Bosse’ Manual about engraving and intaglio. The participating artists are Jorge dos Reis (cover), José Feitor, Diniz Conefrey, Daniel Lopes, André Lemos, Isabel Baraona, Ana Menezes, Daniela Gomes, Bárbara Assis Pacheco, Bruno Borges, João Chambel, Pedro Cabral Santo (page 5), Maria João Worm (experimental comics, page 8).
  • Publisher's Website:
  • Notes and Collections: This edition is available at the Gulbenkian Foundation Library, Lisbon; and at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Caldas da Rainha.
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