- Title: KWY #11
- Author: KWY
- Collaborations: This issue was edited by Lourdes Castro, Christo, Jan Voss, René Bèrtholo and was coordinated by Christo.
- Publisher: KWY
- Dimensions: 31X20,5cm
- Number of Pages: n.a.
- Edition: 300 copies
- Publishing Date: 1963(Spring)
- Place: Paris, France
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: Cover printed in two colours (black and violet) on white paper. The magazine is made with several different kinds of paper. The black and white pages are printed in offset.
- Synopsis: The cover is inspired by a photo by Shunk and Kender, the head letters are by Raymond Hains. KWY #11 contains texts by: Pierre Restany, “ Monoguênêr”; Roberto Filliou publishes “un poème d’amour ” and Alain Jouffroy the poem “ à l’Orée”; Mimmo Rotella, “poemas suono /1949/, nº6 and nº9”; Emmett Williams, made a selection of “ a selection from 5.000 new ways”. Yves Klein, publishes a letter from 1959, entitled “Le Réalisme authentique d’aujourd’hui”, and a silkscreen print made from the anthropometries performed in 1960. Daniel Spoerri publishes “Topographical reconstruction of a criminal act” and a silkscreen printed in grey (folded page). Ben, produced documentation on the performance done in Gallery One, London. Daily-Bul made an insert, a pamphlet entitled “ Le nouveau réalisme dépasse-t-il la fiction?”. This issue contains images by - Arman, black and white photos and a silkscreen printed in black and red. - Martial Raysse, made a silkscreen entitled “France Bleu”, in blue, green, orange and pink. - - Niki de St. Phalle made a silkscreen entitled “ Autel de Saint Sébastien, Saint Sébastien rempli objects divers farfelu baroque” (folded page), in grey, black, red and yellow. - Jean Tinguely, publishes “Peinture exécutée en collaboration avec “MEta-matic nº 122 par Eva Aelli” - Shunk and Kender publish photos from Yves Klein’s performances. Bernard Heidsieck, produced a 45 rotations album, that is inserted in the magazine pages. Lourdes Castro, Christo, Gerard Deschamps, Raymond Hains, Villegle, Martial et François Dufrêne also collaborated in KWY #11.
- Notes and Collections: KWY #11 is available at: Gulbenkian Foundation Library in Lisbon; Serralves Foundation Library, Porto, Portugal. Kandinsky Library, Paris, France.
- Bibliography and Links:
AA.VV. – KWY. Lisboa, Fundação Gulbenkian/KWY, 1960. (catálogo da exposição que teve lugar na Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes entre 11 a 20 de Dezembro de 1960)
ACCIAIUOLI, Margarida – KWY Paris 1958-1968. Lisboa, Centro Cultral de Belém / Assírio & Alvim, 2001
BARROSO, Eduardo Paz – Words and Painting Exchange Roles: Concrete Poetry, Experimental Poetry, & Fine Arts in Portugal. Journal of Artists’ Books #32. Outono, 2012. (Pág. 21-28)
BOIVENT, Marie – La revue d’artiste. Enjeux et spécificités d’une pratique artistique. Tese de Doutoramento, departamento de Artes Plásticas da Universidade Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne. Junho 2011. (páginas 97-99, 416, 684)
KWY #11