- Title: KWY #6
- Author: KWY
- Collaborations: The editors’ note mentions that KWY includes: Lurdes Castro, Jan Voss, Gonçalo Duarte, Christo, José Escada, João Vieira, René Bèrtholo and Costa Pinheiro.
- Publisher: KWY
- Dimensions: 25,2X17 cm 9,92X6,69 in.
- Number of Pages: 30 pages + cover.
- Edition: 500 copies
- Publishing Date: 1960 (June)
- Place: Lisbon, Portugal
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: offset, one colour (black), on white paper. Three original silkscreens printed in black, one silkscreen printed in blue, one silkscreen printed in grey and black. Pages stapled.
- Synopsis: KWY was published in Portuguese; the French translation was printed in separate sheets. J. Vidal-Lopes and J. M. Simões translated the texts in Portuguese and Spanish to French. This issue contains texts by: - Manuel de Castro, “O pintor de Monstros” about Gonçalo Duarte work; Sebastião Fonseca, “ Ver Pintura”; Sebastião Margarido, “ Deformação e desagregação na pintura contemporânea”; António Saura, “duas notas”; short text by Michel Tapié. - The exhibition KWYmos, short abstracts on the exhibition visited by the members of KWY. The magazine includes two original silkscreens by José Escada printed in black; the central pages are an original silkscreen by José Escada printed in blue; original silkscreen by Saura, printed in black and a silkscreen printed in grey and black.
- Notes and Collections: One of the short texts by António Saura was previously published at the catalogue “4 Pintores Espanhóis” in the magazine Aujourd’hui nº 24. Michel Tapié article was previously published in Saura’s catalogue for the exhibition at Stadler Gallery, February 1959. KWY#6 is available at Gulbenkian Foundation Library and National Library in Lisbon; Serralves Foundation Library, Porto, Portugal. Kandinsky Library, Paris, France.
- Bibliography and Links:
AA.VV. – KWY. Lisboa, Fundação Gulbenkian/KWY, 1960. (catálogo da exposição que teve lugar na Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes entre 11 a 20 de Dezembro de 1960).
ACCIAIUOLI, Margarida – KWY Paris 1958-1968. Lisboa, Centro Cultural de Belém / Assírio & Alvim, 2001
BARROSO, Eduardo Paz – Words and Painting Exchange Roles: Concrete Poetry, Experimental Poetry, & Fine Arts in Portugal. Journal of Artists’ Books #32. Outono, 2012. (Pág. 21-28)
BOIVENT, Marie – La revue d’artiste. Enjeux et spécificités d’une pratique artistique. Tese de Doutoramento, departamento de Artes Plásticas da Universidade Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne. Junho 2011. (páginas 97-99, 416, 684)
KWY #6