Periodicals & Collections

KWY #9

  • Title: KWY #9
  • Author: KWY
  • Collaborations: An editor’s note mentions that KWY includes: Lourdes Castro, Christo, Jan Voss e René Bèrtholo. This issue was done with João Vidal’ collaboration.
  • Publisher: KWY
  • Dimensions: 31X20,3cm 12,2X7,99 in.
  • Number of Pages: 32 pages, 2 leaflet+ cover
  • Edition: 300 copies
  • Publishing Date: 1962
  • Place: Paris, France
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: 2ème. Trimestre 1962 ; n.a.
  • Media: Cover printed in silkscreen, black, white and purple over brown cardboard. The core of the magazine is printed in several colours on different qualities of paper. Inserts printed in offset, B/W.
  • Synopsis: The editors’ note explains that all the contributions are original and made for this issue. The letters printed in the cover are a work by Guido Biasi. KWY #9 contains poems by Benjamin Patterson, texts by Carl Laszlo Bale, Jean Jacques Lévêque. François Dufrene publishes ”Beckett passera comme l’Express”. Original silkscreen by: Georges Noel, print in two colours (grey and black) over a white folded page ; Jan Voss , print in two colours (red and black) over white paper; Paul Wunderlich, print in four colours (black, grey, purple and green). An offset B/W photo of Cy Twombly’ drawing, an object by Lourdes Castro, and a photo of Christo preparing an installation. KWY #9 contains a folded leaflet entitled “morceau choisis”, an “incomplete” silkscreen followed by instructions by René Bèrtholo. In the first pages the following comic stripes were printed in silkscreen (black) over white paper: “13, Rue de l’Espoir” by J. E F. Gall, drawings by Paul Gillon; “Arabelle et Lord Pennybox”, drawings by Jean Ache; “Gérald Norton” by Ken Balde and Jerry Brondfield; “Monsieur Abernaty” by Ralston Jones and Frank Ridgeway.
  • Notes and Collections: KWY #9 is available at Gulbenkian Foundation Library in Lisbon; Serralves Foundation Library, Porto, Portugal. Kandinsky Library; French National Library, Paris, France.
  • Bibliography and Links:

    AA.VV. – KWY. Lisboa, Fundação Gulbenkian/KWY, 1960. (catálogo da exposição que teve lugar na Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes entre 11 a 20 de Dezembro de 1960)

    ACCIAIUOLI, MargaridaKWY Paris 1958-1968. Lisboa, Centro Cultral de Belém / Assírio & Alvim, 2001

    BARROSO, Eduardo Paz – Words and Painting Exchange Roles: Concrete Poetry, Experimental Poetry, & Fine Arts in Portugal. Journal of Artists’ Books #32. Outono,  2012. (Pág. 21-28)

    BOIVENT, Marie – La revue d’artiste. Enjeux et spécificités d’une pratique artistique. Tese de Doutoramento, departamento de Artes Plásticas da Universidade Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne. Junho 2011. (páginas 97-99, 416, 684)

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