- Title: Fernando Pessoa e a Literatura dos E.U.A. no Século XIX
- Author: Margarida Vale de Gato
- Collaborations: Printed in letterpress by Manuel Diogo, Manuel Leitão and Luís Henriques.
- Publisher: Oficina do Cego
- Dimensions: dimentions variable, the folder measures 31X23,5 cm
- Number of Pages: folder + 4 non numbered leafs
- Edition: 300 copies numbered
- Publishing Date: 2012(June)
- Place: Lisbon, Portugal
- Dep. Legal / ISBN: n.a.
- Media: Printed in letterpress and offset. Loose leafs in a cardboard folder.
- Synopsis: Margarida Vale de Gato holds a PHD in North-American Literature and Culture. She studied and translated to Portuguese the work of Edgar Allen Poe. This edition contains a facsimile, printed in offset, of a rough draft made by Fernando Pessoa while translating the poem “The Crow” by Edgar Allan Poe. The original of this draft and other documents are kept at the National Library.
- Publisher's Website:http://www.oficinadocego.blogspot.pt
Fernando Pessoa e a Literatura dos E.U.A. no Século XIX