

  • Title: Vumbi
  • Author: Rita Carvalho
  • Publisher: Plana Press
  • Dimensions: Open: 48 x 68 cm 26.8x18.9
  • Number of Pages: folded poster and a sheet with the text in Portuguese and English, both pieces in a printed envelope.
  • Edition: 300 printed and numbered copies. Open edition, the file is available at the editors’ website.
  • Publishing Date: 2013
  • Place: Porto, Portugal
  • Dep. Legal / ISBN: 356257/13 ; 978-989-958-07-9-4
  • Media: Poster in silkscreen, two colours, orange and blue. Envelope in duotone Offset.
  • Synopsis: VUMBI is a narrative map about the colonization of Congo?nowadays Democratic Republic of Congo?by Belgium, in the passage of the nineteenth to the twentieth century. Its purpose is to remember the Holocaust carried out by the obsession of King Leopold II with the Congolese resources. The ivory and rubber fever provoked the destruction of villages and a violent system of forced labor was implemented, bringing death and disease to millions of people. The resistance to all this is represented by Twa Mwe, a Kwango chief. Other Congolese, such as Nzanzu or Kandolo, would rise up against the injustice, leading rebellions in the “État indépendant du Congo”.
  • Publisher's Website:
  • Notes and Collections: This is an open edition, the file can be downloaded ate Plana Press’ website.
  • Bibliography and Links:(Français)

    Tirage ouvert et gratuit, le fichier numérique peut être obtenu sur le website de Plana Press.

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